Kale is a superfood, read on to find out why.

Sure, all leafy greens are great to incorporate into your diet, but kale is king.

  1. Kale is so nutrient-rich, it’s basically the Bill Gates of leafy greens

In a single cup of kale you can find:

Vitamin A

Vitamin K (Can prevent heart-disease and helps with blood clotting)

Vitamin C (You need this for collagen production)

Vitamin B6

Vitamin B1

Vitamin B2

Vitamin B3


Calcium (promotes bone health)



Magnesium (prevents type 2 diabetes, most people don’t get enough of this)

All of these are part of the suggested Daily Value (DV) set by the FDA and what better way to get them all than enjoying some kale.

  1. Kale has very little fat or calories

You don’t have to worry about cheating on your calories while eating kale due to its extremely low fat content. Most of the fat in kale is from an omega-3 fatty acid which is healthy and recommended in your diet. 

Kale is super low in calories and very high in nutrients making it one of the most nutrient-dense foods on the planet.

  1. Kale can help you lose weight

Due to several key properties, kale is a great addition to any weight loss diet. 

It is very low in calories but will still keep you full.

Since it has a high water content as well as low calories, kale has a low energy density. 

Studies have shown that eating foods with low energy density have assisted weight loss.

Kale also has fiber and protein which are two of the most important nutrients when it comes to losing weight.

  1. Kale has many of antioxidants

Antioxidants are great because they fight oxidative damage which if not counteracted, can cause aging and other diseases such as cancer.

Quercetin and kaempferol are two of the antioxidants, which are beneficial to your health in many ways. 

They can be anti-viral, anti-inflammatory, blood pressure-lowering, and heart-protective.

Lutein and zeaxanthin are two more antioxidants that are found in kale.

They lower the risk of eye disorders including cataracts and macular degeneration.

  1. Kale can help prevent cancer

Cancer is a disease that is caused by the uncontrolled growth of cells.

Kale has multiple cancer-fighting compounds such as sulforaphane which, at a molecular level, helps fight the growth of cancer cells. 

Kale also contains indole-3-carbinol which has protective properties against cancer.

The Name of the Game:

Kale is one of the healthiest and most nutritious foods you can eat on the planet.

Now that you know how great it is, I know you are just craving a leaf of kale. Ok, maybe you weren’t, but there are many easy ways to incorporate kale into your diet.

Adding it to smoothies is a great way to boost your nutrients. Click here for my favorite recipe.

Making it into a salad with a lemon olive oil dressing is another popular use of these powerful leaves.

Whatever you do with it, kale will boost your nutrient levels and so much more, leading to a healthier life.

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